All for

for everyone





"The best option for your
technological needs!"


We strive to offer exceptional services in mobile device repairs, product and accessory sales, graphic and web design, with a focus on customer satisfaction and excellence in every detail.

We strive to be leaders in our industry, offering innovative services, maintaining high quality standards, and establishing long-lasting relationships with our customers.




We strive for excellence in everything we do, offering high-quality services and exceeding our customers expectations.


We work with honesty, transparency, and ethics in all our interactions and transactions.


We are passionate about technology and its impact on everyday life, which drives us to offer innovative and creative solutions to our customers.

Our totmobile team


Technician, expert in
microsoldering repairs


Technician, expert in
electronics repairs


Totmobile director,
customer service


Digital Manager,
Graphic and web designer


We are committed to providing exceptional customer service, offering personalized solutions, and maintaining high standards of care.


We take responsibility for our actions and strive to have a positive impact on our customers, employees, and community.


We foster a collaborative and team-oriented environment, valuing the ideas and contributions of each team member.


At totmobile, we are guided by these fundamental principles to provide a unique and satisfying experience to our customers, while working towards our vision of being leaders in the field of technological solutions, sales, and design.

Physical store totmobile

At totmobile, we have designed our physical store for our customers.

We offer the latest technological innovations and the best brands in the market.

We have a spacious and comfortable waiting area for you to wait while we repair your device.

All to ensure that your experience at totmobile
is as pleasant and satisfying as possible.

Insurance with Assegur Andorra

More peace with your devices.

Fast credit

If you have an account with Credit Andorra or Morabanc, you can apply for fast credit with us.

Online store totmobile

We offer an easy and secure shopping experience from the comfort of your home, with fast shipping options and online customer support.

and tablets

and laptops

and speakers

Technical service

At totmobile, we have a team of experts in technical service to solve any problem your device may have, with quality assurance and original parts.

Graphic and web design

We create customized solutions that adapt to the needs of each client. We help grow your business.

Customer reviews

Sol RossellSol Rossell
12:22 05 Jun 23
Tenia el mòbil bloquejat i m,ho han solucionat en 5 minuts! Gràcies!!!
Samara BallmerSamara Ballmer
10:16 01 Jun 23
Un equip molt amable i eficient! Vaig haver de canviar la pantalla del meu iPhone 14 Pro Max i s'han encarregat de tots els tràmits amb la SAT de Barcelona, 100% recomanable.A més pots trobar originals d'Apple (fundes i complements) a preu molt econòmic.
08:35 22 May 23
He compra't un Apple Pencil per l'Ipad, botiga polida i ben situada! Atenció premium, saben de que parlen! 100% recomanable!
Miquel SansaMiquel Sansa
12:55 20 May 23
Poso 5 estrelles perque no hi ha les suficients per valorar el exel·lent servei d’aquesta empresa.He portat el meu movil per saber preus sobre la reparació de pantalla ( millor preu amb calitat de tota la competència de reparació de movils) i explicant el meu problema amb la pantalla han tingut l’enorme detall de provar una nova pantalla per saber si el movil tambe donava problemes, i o nomes això sinó que al posarme la meva antiga pantalla que pensava que estava feta mal bé me l’han tornat a posar amb tanta cura i professionalitat que ha tornat a funcionar.Això demostra la serietat i profecionalitat del servei que presten i una maginfica atenció al client.Si dubteu d’on portar el vostre movil a reparar no ho penseu dos cops i veniu a totmobile. Simplement espectacular
Josep FernandezJosep Fernandez
18:52 15 May 23
Tinc un iPhone 14 pro amb un problema que només Apple pot reparar ja que requereix micro soldadura feta amb microscopi. Vaig visitar dos tallers de reparació a Andorra i només Totmobile me'l a pogut reparar ja que disposen d'aquesta tecnologia.Son gent seria i molt responsable recomanable 100 %.A més els i he portat la clau del cotxe amb comandament ja que els connectors no funcionaven i sense cap problema m'han solucionat el problema per 30€ clau nova Jaguar 350 € 😀

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